Yarrowia lipolytica         E3 adaptor/Cullin RING/ECS/Elon-B_C

※ E3 adaptor/Cullin RING/ECS/Elon-B_C family introduction

    Elon-B/C is a complex that comprises two subunits, named Elongin B and Elongin C. In the BCR ubiquitin ligase complex, a member of Elon-B/C family acts as an adaptor binding a substrate recognition subunit to heterodimer composed of either Cul2-Rbx1 or Cul5-Rbx2.

1. Piessevaux, J., De Ceuninck, L., Catteeuw, D., Peelman, F. & Tavernier, J. (2004). Elongin B/C recruitment regulates substrate binding by CIS. J. Biol. Chem.., 283(31): 21334-46. PMID: 15601820

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